About Us

While a great deal of an engineer’s technical knowledge is often the product of their education, an equally great portion of their expertise is typically derived from experience; no efficient nor economically savvy engineer would be complete without some variance or combination of the two. Combining these traits with an amiable disposition, we strive to be the best at our craft while also continually keeping an open line of communication with all of our clients. While safety is always paramount, we strive to constantly keep our client’s best interests in focus. It is because of these principles that we’ve gratefully experienced another successful year however, we do not take this business for granted. It is our mission to continually improve our operations while providing the best possible results to those with whom we work with because it is with these efforts that we will all ultimately succeed.
Imperial Design Services is a Professional Engineering Company specializing in residential and commercial structural engineering. The company was formed in September of 2018 by Matthew Rembish, PE and continues to provide services to New Jersey to this day. Matthew Rembish, PE was licensed by the New Jersey Board of Professional Engineers in December of 2017 and has been a part of the engineering community since May of 2012. Receiving his introduction to structural engineering post Super-Storm Sandy, he has completed all of the necessary engineering inspection and design work for nearly 300 homes at the Jersey Shore. Current experience includes, but is not limited to, residential structural inspections, commercial structural inspections, design of shallow and deep foundations, geotechnical analysis, retaining wall design, timber/concrete/steel design, and local code compliance. Imperial Design Services has completed extensive work in the Ocean and Monmouth County areas but hopes to broaden their professional reach to all areas of the Garden State.